Rodokmeň giovanni de medici


Medici: Masters of Florence is a historical TV series created by Frank Spotnitz and Nicholas Meyer in 2016.. It is a dramatization of the life of Cosimo de' Medici "the Elder" (1389-1464, played by Richard Madden), grandfather to the famous Lorenzo the Magnificent, as he ascends to family patriarch and leader of the wealthy and powerful Medici bank following the suspicious death of his father

Marco Bello, whilst a trusted lieutenant, communed with the servants. The Medici diversified their risk by engaging in the trade of a large number of commodities that included wool, cloth, alum, spices, olive oil, silk stuffs, brocades, jewelry, silver plate, and citrus fruit. In 1429, Giovanni de' Medici died, and management of the bank passed into the hands of his eldest son, Cosimo. In 1435, the bank opened Giovanni di Bicci increases the Medici wealth to unprecedented levels. He also uses it discreetly for political purposes in a manner which will be perfected by his son, Cosimo.

Rodokmeň giovanni de medici

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1360. Place of birth. Florence, Republic of Florence, Italy. Date of death. 20 February 1429. Place of death. Florence, Republic of Florence, Italy.

The House of Medici (English: / ˈ m ɛ d ɪ tʃ i / MED-i-chee, UK also / m ə ˈ d iː tʃ i / mə-DEE-chee, Italian: [ˈmɛːditʃi]) was an Italian banking family and political dynasty that first began to gather prominence under Cosimo de' Medici in the Republic of Florence during the first half of the 15th century.

Rodokmeň giovanni de medici

Cosimo's younger brother Lorenzo (1395–1440) founded the cadet branch, which continued until the eighteenth century and from which the Grand Dukes of … 02/02/2017 Ugo is the administrator of the Medici Bank and a close collaborator of Giovanni de' Medici, which he supports in all his plans to get more influence on Florence government and to make the Medici family more potent. Giovanni's first-born son, Lorenzo, falls in love with a common woman, Rosa. Worried about this, Giovanni orders Ugo to put her away from his son.

Rodokmeň giovanni de medici

Medici: Masters of Florence is a historical TV series created by Frank Spotnitz and Nicholas Meyer in 2016.. It is a dramatization of the life of Cosimo de' Medici "the Elder" (1389-1464, played by Richard Madden), grandfather to the famous Lorenzo the Magnificent, as he ascends to family patriarch and leader of the wealthy and powerful Medici bank following the suspicious death of his father

Rodokmeň giovanni de medici

Borgia & Medici Family Trees. Perino del Vaga in New York Collections. 16th January 1412: Antipope John XXIII makes the Medici Bank the … Synonyms for Giovanni de' Medici in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for Giovanni de' Medici. 3 synonyms for Leo: Lion, Leo the Lion, Lion. What are synonyms for Giovanni de' Medici? Medici, Giovanni de', 1475–1521: see Leo XLeo X, 1475–1521, pope (1513–21), a Florentine named Giovanni de' Medici; successor of Julius II. He was the son of Lorenzo de' Medici, was made a cardinal in his boyhood, and was head of his family before he was 30 (see Medici).

Rodokmeň giovanni de medici

He served on the Florentine board of war, called the Dieci (The Ten), and held other posts. Giovanni de’ Medici, the most noted soldier of all the Medici. Giovanni belonged to the younger, or cadet, branch of the Medici, descended from Lorenzo, brother to Cosimo the Elder. Always in obscurity and, until the 16th century, held in check by the elder line, this branch first entered the arena Another branch of the family, descended from Salvestro’s distant cousin Giovanni di Bicci de’ Medici, would begin the great Medici dynasty.

Rodokmeň giovanni de medici

Giovanni di Bicci de' Medici (c. 1360 – February 1429) was an Italian banker and founder of the Medici Bank.While other members of the Medici family, such as Chiarissimo di Giambuono de' Medici, who served in the Signoria of Florence in 1201, and Salvestro de' Medici, who was implicated in the Ciompi Revolt of 1378, are of historical interest, it was Giovanni's founding of the family bank Giovanni was born in the Northern Italian town of Forlì to Giovanni de' Medici (also known as il Popolano) and Caterina Sforza, one of the most famous women of the Italian Renaissance. From an early age, he demonstrated great interest and ability in physical activity, especially the martial arts of the age: horse riding, sword-fighting, etc. Banking not only made the Medici family rich, but it also made them extremely powerful.

Date of birth. 1360. Place of birth. Florence, Republic of Florence, Italy. Date of death. 20 February 1429.

Always in obscurity and, until the 16th century, … Giovanni di Bicci de' Medici (gebore omstreeks 1360 - 20 Februarie 1429) was 'n Italiaanse bankier en stigter van die Medici Bank. Terwyl ander lede van die Medici-familie, soos byvoorbeeld Chiarissimo di Giambuono de' Medici wat in 1201 in die Signoria van Florence gedien het, en Salvestro de' Medici, wat betrokke was in die Ciompi-opstand van 1378, van historiese belang is, was dit egter Giovanni se … Giovanni di Bicci de' Medici, c. 1397–1429; Cosimo de' Medici, 1428–1464; Piero di Cosimo de' Medici, 1464–1469; Lorenzo de' Medici (the Magnificent), 1469–1492; Piero di Lorenzo de' Medici, 1492–1494; Sources. Not much remains of the Medici Bank's records; mentions of it and its activities are rife in the writings of outsiders, but outsiders necessarily had little access to the balance books which could truly … Giovanni de' Medici is a rich banker who also represents one of the most important political forces of Florence's Signoria. He has a plan to increase his family power by making an agreement with the Church of Rome. The election of a new Pope is about to take place and Giovanni sends his sons Cosimo and Lorenzo to Rome in order to encourage the election of a Pope close to his family. In Rome, Cosimo, … Averardo de’ Medici (Father) Jacopa Spini (Mother) Cosimo de’ Medici (son) Damiano (Son) Lorenzo the Elder (son) Affiliation.

Under kirkemødet 1414-1418 i Konstanz spillede han en betydelig rolle. Hans forretninger dækkede de vigtige byer i Europa. Han stod i spidsen for familien i den periode, hvor Medici Banken voksede ekspansivt, … Giovanni de' Medici 4 episodes, 2019 Louis Partridge Piero de' Medici 4 episodes, 2019 Alessandro Preziosi Brunelleschi 4 episodes, 2016 Daniele Pecci Ludovico il Moro 4 episodes, 2019 Giorgio Marchesi Giacomo Spinelli 4 episodes, 2019 Rose Williams Caterina Sforza Riario 4 episodes, 2019 Andrea Garofalo Giovanni di Bicci de’ Medici entrusted the project to Filippo Brunelleschi, who between 1421 and 1426 built one of the most complex masterpieces of renaissance architecture. Dedicated to St. John the Evangelist, it is structured as a cube covered by a hemispherical umbrella dome divided by ribs. The chromatic interplay of grey stone and white plaster is heightened by the presence of painted stuccoes: … Cosimo de' Medici was born in Florence to Giovanni di Bicci de' Medici and his wife Piccarda de' Bueri on 10 April 1389.

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Oct 04, 2018 · How Prince Lorenzo de' Medici, the heir to the Medici Dynasty, is keeping his family's artistic, cultural and elegant legacy alive in modern times.

He has a plan to increase his family power by making an agreement with the Church of Rome. The election of a new Pope is about to take place and Giovanni sends his sons Cosimo and Lorenzo to Rome in order to encourage the election of a Pope close to his family. In Rome, Cosimo, … Averardo de’ Medici (Father) Jacopa Spini (Mother) Cosimo de’ Medici (son) Damiano (Son) Lorenzo the Elder (son) Affiliation. Medici Bank.

Giovanni de' Medici (1360 –1429), var finansmand og industriherre i Firenze. Han grundlage Medici Banken, og det lykkes ham i begyndelsen af 1400-tallet at blive pavens officielle bankier. Under kirkemødet 1414-1418 i Konstanz spillede han en betydelig rolle. Hans forretninger dækkede de vigtige byer i Europa. Han stod i spidsen for familien i den periode, hvor Medici Banken voksede ekspansivt, …

Guglielmo de' Pazzi: Lucrezia de' Medici (Nannina) (1448–1493) m. Bernardo Rucellai: Lorenzo de' Medici (the Magnificent) (1449–1492) Lord of Florence m.(1) Clarice Orsini: Giuliano de' Medici (1453–1478) Cosimo de' Medici (1452–1461) Lorenzo the Popolano (1463–1503) Lord of … Pope Leo X (Giovanni de’ Medici) Pope Leo X (1475-1521) was the son o Lorenzo the Magnificent and Clarice Orsini. His teachers included the humanists who frequented the Palazzo Medici in Florence, such as Angelo Poliziano, Pico della Mirandola and Marsilio Ficino. By the age of eight he was admitted into minor orders, and by 1486 he was Abbot of Montecassino and Morimondo. He spent three years at the … There were two lines of the Medici family, descended from the two sons of Giovanni di Bicci (1360–1429). The progenitor of the senior (primogenito) line was the Cosimo il Vecchio (1389–1464), a line that died out in the early sixteenth century.

[1] Born into the prominent political and banking Medici family of Florence , Giovanni was the second son of Lorenzo de' Medici , ruler of the Florentine Republic , and Giovanni de’ Medici, the most noted soldier of all the Medici. Giovanni belonged to the younger, or cadet, branch of the Medici, descended from Lorenzo, brother to Cosimo the Elder. Always in obscurity and, until the 16th century, held in check by the elder line, this branch first entered the arena Vincenzo de' Medici: Piero II de' Medici (the Unfortunate) (1471–1503) Lord of Florence m. Alfonsina Orsini: Giovanni di Lorenzo de' Medici (1475–1521) Pope Leo X: Contessina de' Medici (1478–1515) m. Piero Ridolfi: Ippolito de' Medici (1511–1535) Cardinal) Averardo de' Medici (1488–1495) Ginevra de' Medici m.